As a Western North Carolina resident, I have witnessed the devastating effects of Hurricane Helene and other recent natural disasters firsthand. Though I and my loved ones have been extraordinarily fortunate, I have talked with many others who have lost their homes, livelihoods, and sense of security.

Of course, I have also been inspired by the collective efforts to recover and rebuild together and eager to contribute my skills wherever possible. The emotional toll has been palpable, as so many are left wondering how to move forward from such sudden devastation. As recovery efforts continue, needs are slowly shifting from immediate, physical needs to psychological and emotional challenges.

Some are grieving the loss of the people and places they love. Some are severely anxious over the risk and uncertainty introduced by these disasters. Some are trapped in a cycle of “doomscrolling” through footage and reports of the destruction, while others feel guilty for evacuating and helpless to positively contribute.

If this is you, I want you to know that there is support available to help you manage these difficult emotions and begin to rebuild your sense of stability. As someone who has dedicated my life to creating tools for psychological well-being, I have seen how impactful educational tools can be in the midst of chaos.

This is why I am offering free access to two of my mental health education programs—The Anxiety Algorithm and The Flourishing Function—to residents of affected areas who have been psychological impacted by these recent storms

The Anxiety Algorithm was designed to provide a comprehensive approach to understanding and dismantling anxiety. Whether it’s the fear and worry that arises from an uncertain future or the day-to-day stress of rebuilding, this program offers practical tools to re-engineer your response to anxiety and regain control over your mental state. Through its step-by-step methods, you can break free from the patterns of worry that hold you back from living fully in the present.

The Flourishing Function is designed not only to tackle depression and self-doubt, but to guide you toward a state of flourishing. Even in the darkest times, we have the capacity to move beyond simply surviving and tap into our inherent potential for well-being. This program is a comprehensive solution, based on the most empirical methods, that takes you step-by-step from emotional recovery to personal empowerment.

These programs are well suited to helping you develop lifelong coping skills to become happier and more resilient to unexpected loss and setbacks. They teach principles and methods that represent the gold standard in psychological treatment – modalities like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). 

These tools are educational in nature, and I strongly urge anyone who is struggling with severe mental illness or suicidal thoughts to book an appointment with a therapist immediately. But if you are looking to go from managing to mastering your emotional state, self-education can be radically effective in the long-term alleviation of anxiety, depression, and more.

It is perhaps fitting, though coincidental, that The Anxiety Algorithm makes heavy reference to storms and waves as metaphors for life’s threats and hardships. As I argue in The Anxiety Book“We don’t live in calm waters, but in stormy seas. I want to teach you to be calm in spite of the storms, not due to their absence. Let me show you how to ride the waves.”

It is my hope that these tools will provide you with some measure of relief and help you find clarity, strength, and resilience as you navigate the path ahead.

To request access, please click the button below. Know that in this time of recovery, you are not alone, and there is a community here to support you.

With care and support,
Ryan A. Bush



Systems designer and bestselling author Ryan A Bush synthesizes the best clinical data on anxiety and depression into comprehensive and actionable processes.

Martin N. Seif, PhD

Founder of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America and author of What Every Therapist Needs to Know About Anxiety Disorders

Judith S. Beck, PhD

CBT pioneer, author of Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond, and President of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

David A. Carbonell, PhD

Clinical Psychologist specializing in anxiety treatment and author of The Worry Trick and the Panic Attacks Workbook


Complete the self-paced, audio-visual program to learn exactly how to fix your relationship with fear, stress, and worry, and get back to loving your life in the moment.


The Flourishing Function: Anti-Depression Program delivers a full course of cognitive therapy education and dives into methods like mindfulness therapy, behavioral activation, and interpersonal therapy to deliver the single most comprehensive, self-paced depression and flourishing program available.


Designing the Mind is a self-development organization focused on providing wisdom education and expanding human potential beyond the norm. It draws heavily from thinkers like Lao Tzu, the Buddha, Marcus Aurelius, and Nietzsche, but it’s something new. Its central theme of psychitecture represents a new, modern way of viewing and iteratively improving your mind. DTM creates products, programs, and books designed to catalyze psychological growth.

Ryan A Bush is a thinker and designer focused on building better systems, better people, and a better future. As founder of Designing the Mind, Ryan’s central purpose is to provide wisdom education catalyze their potential.

This journey has led him to write multiple bestselling books like Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture, build life-changing programs like The Anxiety Algorithm, and launch Mindform, the world’s first psychitecture collective and training platform. Through his books, programs, and community, he works to integrate the insights of ancient and modern thinkers to form a new vision for psychological growth and self-mastery.

Ryan’s background is in the design of systems – he has worked with tech startups to design and develop everything from patented physical products, to software, to buildings, to business models. But his most relevant credential is a lifelong appetite for introspective investigation, ravenous reading, and obsessive self-optimization.


For many years, Ryan has studied the insights of ancient teachers, practical philosophers, and cognitive scientists. His ideas have been featured on major platforms like Lifehack and Modern Stoicism, and he has been a guest on podcasts with topics ranging from emotions to philosophy to motivation.

He lives in a small mountain town where he splits his time between creating, reflecting, and adventuring with his partner and their corgi, Hootie, who is on track to be an honors student this year.


You can learn more about DTM by joining the email list, checking out the video playlist above, or following on social media at the links at the bottom of the page.