Info about Designing the Mind, Ryan A Bush, and the new book, Become Who You Are


Ryan A Bush is a thinker and designer focused on building better systems, better people, and a better future. As founder of Designing the Mind, Ryan’s central purpose is to provide wisdom education and expand human potential beyond the norm.

This journey has led him to write multiple bestselling books like Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture, build life-changing programs like The Anxiety Algorithm, and launch Mindform, the world’s first psychitecture collective and training platform. Through his books, programs, and community, he works to integrate the insights of ancient and modern thinkers to form a new vision for psychological growth and self-mastery.


Ryan A Bush is a thinker and designer focused on building better systems, better people, and a better future. As founder of Designing the Mind, Ryan’s central purpose is to provide wisdom education and expand human potential beyond the norm.

This journey has led him to write multiple bestselling books like Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture, build life-changing programs like The Anxiety Algorithm, and launch Mindform, the world’s first psychitecture collective and training platform. Through his books, programs, and community, he works to integrate the insights of ancient and modern thinkers to form a new vision for psychological growth and self-mastery.

“…a fascinating framework”

Scott Barry Kaufman, PhD, author of Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization

“…an impressive blend of research and imagination that left me thinking well after I finished reading.”

Jonathan Rottenberg PhD, Professor of Psychology, USF

“…brilliantly interweaves philosophical concepts with the discipline of psychology in an approachable, thought-provoking way.”

Michael J. Moody, author of Redefine Yourself

“It has already changed my life, and I know it will change others as well”

Aaron T. Perkins, Founder of Chrysalis Leadership and Executive Leadership Coach



Since its independent launch in 2021, Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture has become a cult sensation. This modern synthesis of psycho-philosophical wisdom has helped thousands understand the workings of their own minds and the keys to sculpting them.

This journey has led Ryan to write more insightful books like Become Who You Are, build life-changing programs like The Anxiety Algorithm, and launch Mindform, the world’s first psychitecture collective and training platform. Through his books, programs, and community, he works to integrate the insights of ancient and modern thinkers to form a new vision for psychological growth and self-mastery.

Designing the Mind has developed a loyal following, with 10,000+ email subscribers with a 40%+ open rate, and hundreds of premium Mindform members. But DTM is just getting started, and Ryan is intent on turning psychitecture into a global movement.




From the author of the international bestseller Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture comes an ambitious and counterintuitive guide to the good life.

After spending over a decade researching the psychology and philosophy of well-being, and even writing his first book on the topic, it took a struggle with his own mental health for Ryan A Bush to integrate the data he had studied to form a groundbreaking new psychological theory. Become Who You Are argues that the peak form of human happiness is determined, not by pleasure or pain, loss or gain, but by the admirability we observe in our own behaviors.

“From post-traumatic growth to postpartum depression, the many counterintuitive stories of happiness actually all tell the same tale. Our overall well-being does not correspond to the surface-level events to which we tend to attribute it. But it corresponds perfectly to something else—something going on beneath the surface of our external outcomes.”

This philosophy-infused self-development guide takes readers on a kaleidoscopic journey through Stoic philosophy and neuropsychology—Nietzschean virtue ethics and evolutionary psychology—spiritual wisdom and psychotherapy. It offers a moving account of Ryan’s own descent into depression, his climb back to flourishing, and the ambitious new framework this journey led him to that we can use to decode and direct our lives.

“The good life is not the sum of simple pleasure or the fruit of success. Its essence is not comfort, struggle, purpose, or even love. You don’t need meaning. You need virtue.”

Become Who You Are: A New Theory of Self-Esteem, Human Greatness, and the Opposite of Depression is Bush’s best, most rigorous, and most personal work to date. The theory it presents will have radical implications for our understanding of the mind and countless individual lives. And it will provide readers with an invaluable guide for reaching the peaks of flourishing and a powerful call to personal greatness.

Become Who You Are is available now on Mindform, and it is on track to launch to the public in early 2024.


Ryan’s Background

Ryan’s background is in the design of systems – he has worked with tech startups to design and develop everything from patented physical products, to software, to buildings, to business models. But his most relevant credential is a lifelong appetite for introspective investigation, ravenous reading, and obsessive self-optimization.

For many years, Ryan has studied the insights of ancient teachers, practical philosophers, and cognitive scientists. His ideas have been featured on major platforms like Lifehack and Modern Stoicism, and he has been a guest on podcasts with topics ranging from emotions to philosophy to motivation.

He lives in a small mountain town where he splits his time between creating, reflecting, and adventuring with his partner and their corgi, Hootie, who is on track to be an honors student this year.




How getting depressed led Ryan to a new theory of mental health – After spending over a decade researching the psychology of well-being, and even writing his first book on the topic, it took a career conflict, a neurodivergent diagnosis, and a struggle with his own mental health for Ryan to integrate the data he had studied to form a groundbreaking new psychological theory. In Become Who You Are, Ryan introduces Virtue Self-Signaling Theory, a new synthesis of research from neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, and cognitive behavioral therapy into a unified account of human virtue, self-esteem, clinical depression, and eudaimonic well-being.

How to stop managing anxiety and start mastering it – Most people believe anxiety is best treated with medication, meditation, or other remedies that ease feelings of panic and worry. But counterintuitively, science shows that the things most of us do to relieve our anxiety actually make it worse. Avoidance is the active ingredient in anxiety, so anything that allows us to escape anxiety in some way will actually reinforce it in the long run. In the Anxiety Algorithm Program, Ryan covers the four As of anxiety, the most effective treatments, and the surprising principles behind anxiety elimination.

Why our intuitions mislead us about our own happiness – In Become Who You Are, Ryan introduces a model for navigating our lives in “three dimensions,” arguing that most of us only live on a two-dimensional “circumscape,” maximizing pleasure and gain while true well-being emerges from our admirability, or virtue. Through the lens of this model, Ryan explains why our emotions so rarely respond to our circumstances in predictable ways. And drawing from Stoic philosophy and modern psychology, he shows how we can harness this understanding to overcome depression and achieve the state of peak flourishing ancient thinkers called eudaimonia.

Using psychitecture to rewire your mind – In his first book, Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture, Ryan coined the term “psychitecture” – the conscious design of one’s own psychological software. He explores how various psychological algorithms in the brain cause us to systematically misperceive reality, act against our own values, and suffer. Most importantly, he covers how snippets of open-source cognitive code – wisdom from philosophies like Stoicism and Buddhism – can help us to rewire our mental patterns.

How to discover who you were meant to become – “Become who you are” is a phrase attributed to 19th-century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Like all of his work, it is cryptic and ambiguous, but he scatters clues for understanding this profound sentiment throughout his writings. Ryan follows Nietzsche in arguing that our unique personal virtues and ideals hold the keys to our highest fulfillment. The act of becoming who you are is the act of carving your ideal self out of the hard stone of your psyche—of bringing greater and greater refinement to the crude shapes of character that exist in you now.


We appreciate all questions, invitations, and critiques, and Ryan gets back to all messages as soon as possible.

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