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With over 30,000 copies sold, The Book of Self Mastery is a thoughtfully curated and commentated selection of passages from the wisest thinkers in history on the discipline of mastering yourself.



The Book of Self Mastery is a thoughtfully curated and commentated selection of passages from the wisest thinkers in history on the discipline of mastering yourself.  The great philosophers, psychologists, and spiritual teachers have all argued that happiness is found, not in building the perfect life, but in fortifying and mastering the vehicle through which we traverse it.


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This book is free to help DTM reach and impact more people. Just help cover the costs to get it to you, and consider subscribing for more synthesized wisdom like this. That’s it!


Designing the Mind is a self-development organization focused on providing wisdom education and expanding human potential beyond the norm. It draws heavily from thinkers like Lao Tzu, the Buddha, Marcus Aurelius, and Nietzsche, but it’s something new. Its central theme of psychitecture represents a new, modern way of viewing and iteratively improving your mind. DTM creates products, programs, and books designed to catalyze psychological growth.

Ryan A Bush is a thinker and designer focused on building better systems, better people, and a better future. As founder of Designing the Mind, Ryan’s central purpose is to provide wisdom education and expand human potential beyond the norm.

This journey has led him to write multiple bestselling books like Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture, build life-changing programs like The Anxiety Algorithm, and launch Mindform, the world’s first psychitecture collective and training platform. Through his books, programs, and community, he works to integrate the insights of ancient and modern thinkers to form a new vision for psychological growth and self-mastery.

Ryan’s background is in the design of systems – he has worked with tech startups to design and develop everything from patented physical products, to software, to buildings, to business models. But his most relevant credential is a lifelong appetite for introspective investigation, ravenous reading, and obsessive self-optimization.


For many years, Ryan has studied the insights of ancient teachers, practical philosophers, and cognitive scientists. His ideas have been featured on major platforms like Lifehack and Modern Stoicism, and he has been a guest on podcasts with topics ranging from emotions to philosophy to motivation.

He lives in a small mountain town where he splits his time between creating, reflecting, and adventuring with his partner and their corgi, Hootie, who is on track to be an honors student this year.


You can learn more about DTM by joining the email list, checking out the video playlist above, or following on social media at the links at the bottom of the page.


Your journey starts with this free book to help introduce you to the core teaching and thinkers who have inspired psychitecture. Get The Book of Self Mastery now, consider subscribing for more synthesized wisdom like this.

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