The fLOURISHING fUNCTION is a 30-day, audio-visual program for LEARNING TO cultivatE deep well-being, build self-esteem, and REVERSE DEPRESSION.
The Flourishing Function: Anti-Depression Program delivers a full course of cognitive therapy education and dives into methods like mindfulness therapy, behavioral activation, and interpersonal therapy to deliver the single most comprehensive, self-paced depression and flourishing program available.
- Exact steps to overcome depression, build self-esteem, and cultivate deep flourishing
- Complete course of cognitive therapy, with principles from behavioral, interpersonal, and metacognitive therapy
- Methods for building strong sense of identity, self-esteem, and vitality for those who are already thriving
- Exercises to break to replace the vicious cycle of depression with a virtuous cycle of flourishing
- Interactive Flourishing Log for tracking progress (Notion board)

“I’m very surprised at how much progress I’ve made so far. The lows are not so low, and when I experience them, they don’t last as long. My day to day life has become clearer and calmer. And the exercises have been so effective for someone like me who has difficulty creating space from the maladaptive thoughts and emotions. Even with setbacks, I’m still making progress - there is hope that I can master this.”

The Flourishing Function sheds light on the darkest depths of the mind - taking on depression, despair, and self-doubt. This program is the most comprehensive educational solution to depression available, based on the most current and empirically effective methods in existence.
Depression is the most crippling condition in the world today. It will affect up to 25% percent of the population in their lifetime. It has tragic effects on our physical brains, our capacity to provide for ourselves, and the health of our relationships.
But there’s another, much more fun fact about depression: It’s highly treatable. Most people who actually seek treatment for depression get better. But the most effective methods are often hidden behind a clinical curtain, allowing only a small percentage of sufferers to discover them. We’re about to change that.
Yes, we’re going to be dealing with some heavy stuff here. But we’re also going to be blazing the trail toward the peaks of human well-being. We’re not just going to learn how to go from depressed to healthy and “normal.” We’re going to learn how to go well beyond the norm into uncharted territory.
“You've put together an incredible resource that I know can serve me for the rest of my life. REALLY enjoying this process.”
This program operates like a ski lift. Wherever you currently stand on the mountain of human well-being, whether you’ve got serious depression, vague ennui, or even deep well-being, we’re going to teach you how to get higher. With the help of these tools, you'll be able to radically transform your mood, your vitality, and your self-esteem.
The more I have studied human well-being and depression, the more I have concluded that the greatest keys to flourishing are unintuitive and often overlooked. There are many books and articles out there that provide the exact opposite of good advice - that treat symptoms with coping mechanisms instead of looking at the root of the problem and offering real solutions.
There are others that don’t necessarily give bad advice, but simply offer hundreds of little tricks the reader could try that might help them feel better. This type of approach is incredibly overwhelming, and makes it unlikely readers or students will do anything, because they just don’t know where to start.
“What appealed to me is your personal stories mixed with data and theory of systematic Virtue activation, it really clicked and I was truly enjoying the lesson. This system really does work technically, but also adding your own experience brings some sort of humanized inspiration that does something more to convince the reader of the flourishing efficacy.”
What I have put together is not only based on the most effective interventions, but represents a single, coherent framework. A step-by-step process for elevating your mood, self-esteem, and engagement with the world.
To my knowledge, The Flourishing Function is the most comprehensive and cohesive educational program on depression and flourishing in existence. This program will help those who are currently struggling. It's going to inoculate those who otherwise may become depressed in the future. And it's going to take those who are thriving to new heights.
“I am knee deep in the Flourishing Function... and I gotta say: what you've done here is brilliant! I just have so much gratitude to express to you. I don't think I fully understand how important it was that I stumbled onto your DTM book recommendation on Amazon 1 year ago and reached out to you with little to no expectation of a response at all... only to get one and be invited into this fascinating platform you've built.”
I’ve put together a free sample lesson of The Flourishing Function Program. It includes a roughly 15 minute audio lesson that you can listen to on a walk, along with a text transcript.
“This program is flipping awesome, especially the residual effects on my son. I work very hard to model emotional regulation and understanding for my children. Since my son is almost 4 though, he is very receptive like all children are at that age. He understands when I’m sad or frustrated, and I don’t want him to see me unable to regulate myself or have him feel responsible for how I’m thinking/feeling. If I’m not regulated, it absolutely affects him (sometimes he feels unlovable or that it’s his fault and it never is). But when I do the exercises and prep myself for the day, the day is crazy smooth and fun, my kids are content, and I end up handling all kinds of crazy stuff at the house! And sometimes, for example, my son will start saying automatic positive thoughts out loud after he hears me say them. Your program is a lifesaver for me as a mother!! I can’t imagine how much better it can be as I keep going on with the program, so thank you! This virtue analysis you’ve created also has me hooked and has already shifted my life in a positive direction these past several months. Anyways, just wanted to update you on those things and to say thank you so far for your life-changing work!!”

As always, I don’t want money to be the reason you can’t get a program that could change your life. If you truly can’t afford the program, send me an email at info@designingthemind.org, and I’ll make sure you get access to the program for free.
Those who are able to afford the program help to support DTM’s endeavors to make the best mental health tools available to everyone. Thank you for investing in yourself and others.